Thursday, September 28, 2006

So long nv blog le..busy wif work...though reali no freedom but i enjoy my job alot ba..coz everyday is not lik goin work lo.more lik go play ba..coz got a group of nice colleagues esp e auntie workin wif me,she is oways full of energy de lo..makes me sounds lik im old le..haha...n e guy,jon,opp my shop is oways entertainin me,so i wont feel bored..haha..luckily got them lo..but sad de is that i will be transferin to help open a new outlet soon nx week..will miss them ba coz no 1 entertain me le..will go back visit them when off..
Im happy wif e type of life i have now..wahahaha...i had a nice chat wif him on tue long nv tok to him le...though he yi bian tok to me,yi bian work la,but i alr veri happy le...though there are certain things he cant accept,but it is the truth lo...i cant believe it myself oso...haha...i told him i dunnoe wat is my decision yet coz i need times to think it over..i noe wat i have said might put him in a difficult spot but i juz wanna let u noe e truth..watever ur decision is,i will respect ur choice de..n i oso noe no matter wat my decision are,u will respect it oso...even if others might had left,i noe still got u de lo..tat is alr enough le...hope i had u by my side forever...wahahahaha...i m crazy...
ltr had to go work soon..haha..lookin forward to it coz got ppl entertain me..haha...

7:55 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, September 11, 2006

these 2 days wasnt a good day for me saturdae 1 thing tat brighten up my days was ...i saw kuek at typ during superstar audition..he was wif his fren...haha..happy enough to see him le though didnt take pic wif him..haha..i was there wif xy they all to see brods..after tat we chase then back to mdc where there used to be alot of good memories for me but certain things are no longer e it e ppl change le ma?maybe ba...not everything will remain the same as before..e earth wont stop movin coz of a person...m i reali tat stupid?or rather im stupid to believe wat you used to say for e past 1or 2yrs?m i stupid to take you as fren?maybe tat is e stupidest thing i had done..watever it is,everything ends juz lik that for frenship that worth me treasuring,i'll do so...those true frens should noe who they are...haha...

i alr found a job,yesterdae was my 1st day..haha..quite fun coz it is a new experience to me...i get to mixed alot of syrup..haha..though the work hrs is from 1pm to 10pm,it is okay lo coz dun need go work so early...haha..i can sleep till quite late den wake up..tat's great lo...maye cant have as much freedom as before le but who work=got money...have to go work ltr in e evening coz these 2days are training so dun need go work so early..haha..

11:06 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, September 08, 2006

i really had a great day yesterday..haha...actually we decided to meet at bugis de,but however garett last minutes need to meet client we change to meet at suntec earlier...xy had to go school in the morning n she finished lesson earlier den i went to meet her earlier...onli both of us was early...oops n peixuan oso,but we forgot to meet onli me n xy reached early,we go walk walk 1st...when pris n chanel reached le,garett n edna haven reach..we decide go pasta wait for them lo..awhile ltr they reach le..n we were stunned that they came together..haha...coz they met each other on their way was sort of quiet during the meal coz we dunnoe wat to say arh,onli me,xy n edna was talkin n laughing among was sort of weird..haha..they make me laugh till i full le lo..garett try to talk to us too..but we dunnoe how to ans chanel,pris n peixuan was so quiet eatin her food..dotz...after eatin,he decided to bring us somewhere else to take of us get to take pic wif him...n he oso got tok to us 1 to 1...kor,thanks for concerning abt that reali fine le...thanks for rememberin oso...everything is fate..i dun blame has to move on..haha..i will oways remember ur encouragement...i wont care abt wat others think if i think i did the right things..n kor,thanks for acknowledgin me as your so happy to be your mui forever my kor..haha...abt 3plus,he went off to meet client...we continued to shop shop..

After we left marina square,i,xy,chanel & pris went to tm,edna went off to tm,xy,chanel & pris keep makin fun of me..omg i reali give up le...haha..den xy went to mini toons find present..n 1 incident make us so paiseh lo..xy saw the present she wan but it is too high for us to pris decided to pull it down...n wat happened next was...half the shelves of things dropped onto the paiseh we had to put all back but it is so high..luckily e salesperson saw n volunteered to help put back...but xy den saw another nicer design,she decided take we help her pulled tat down but some dropped down again paiseh de happened 2times lo..luckily the salesperson quite nice n nv scold us...haha..wat a funny n embarrassing day.. :-)

12:48 AM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

haha..reali must thanks xy for all the help..haha..i called her yo on9,help me wif the settings..thanks xy..i noe u love didi n kai alot..

3:44 AM;
I made my mark

yesterdae went out with jing yu(my pri sch fren).we intend to go find job de...haha..but in the end we went shopping instead.however she did manage to find a job at sweet couldnt find a job i wan..but it is okay la,at least manage to find somethings for the 3 of worth it ba..after tat i spent hours to finish up their present..curious wat it is?haha dun tell you all lei..haha..wonder if they will like ma?initially i quite sad de,coz msg him,he didnt reply both msg..sad de lo...but in the evening,he called back!!i super high...haha..though couldnt chat with him for long coz he busy ma..but it is okay de...another thing that brigthen up my that we will be going to bugis wif garett kor..haha..but sad de is that bell n shan cant go..onli got me,xy,edna,pris,chanel & peixuan going...anyway will be lookin forward to thurs ...hope we will have a great for today,it wasnt my day..coz e computer juz simply dun like me..i couldnt sign in to friendster n msn is after quite awhile den everything back to normal..thank god..haha..den xy keep ask me go create a blog so i decided to create 1 ba...veri long nv msg them le,so decided to send them a msg thru friendster..wonder will they reply ma..haha...hope will reply ba..

2:21 AM;
I made my mark



I stand in between both solstice; slashed, tortured, LOST.


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xingying(BRODS and princeKAI supporter!)


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    The Great Tommy